» open resume

thanks for stopping by.

i'm yahya , a research engineer based in vienna, austria.

i make cool stuff, sometimes.


i've been lucky to learn from some of the brightest people in hackerspaces and research labs around the world. their generosity has shaped not only what i know but also who i am.

i want to work hard to pay that kindness forward.


this has to be spelled out quite clearly:

i am aggressively opposed to racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, nationalism, ethnocentrism, religious fundamentalism and oppressive and coercive power structures of all kinds.

a better world is possible.


this website is part of the polyring network @ ETH zurich. feel free to check out the other members' websites.

also, a shoutout to @jakobsohm for the header image.


the best way to get in touch with me is to send a carrier pigeon, an email or ping me on whatsapp.