


Example: Air cargo transport

Initial value and goal state

Init(At(C1,SFO)At(C2,JFK)At(P1,SFO)At(P2,JFK)Cargo(C1)Cargo(C2)Plane(P1)Plane(P2)Airport(JFK)Airport(SFO)) \textcolor{pink}{Init}\left(A t\left(C_{1}, S F O\right) \wedge \operatorname{At}\left(C_{2}, J F K\right) \wedge A t\left(P_{1}, S F O\right) \wedge A t\left(P_{2}, J F K\right)\right. \\\quad \wedge \operatorname{Cargo}\left(C_{1}\right) \wedge \operatorname{Cargo}\left(C_{2}\right) \wedge \text {Plane}\left(P_{1}\right) \wedge \text {Plane}\left(P_{2}\right) \\\quad \wedge \text {Airport}(J F K) \wedge \text {Airport}(S F O)) 

Goal(At(C1,JFK)At(C2,SFO)) \textcolor{pink}{Goal}\left(A t\left(C_{1}, J F K\right) \wedge \operatorname{At}\left(C_{2}, S F O\right)\right) 


Loading cargo from airport to plane

Action (Load(c,p,a),PRECOND: At(c,a)At(p,a)Cargo(c) Plane (p)Airport(a)EFFECT: ¬At(c,a)In(c,p)) \text {Action }(\textcolor{pink}{Load}(c, p, a), \\ \qquad \text {PRECOND: } A t(c, a) \wedge \operatorname{At}(p, a) \wedge \operatorname{Cargo}(c) \wedge \text { Plane }(p) \wedge \operatorname{Airport}(a) \\ \qquad \text {EFFECT: } \neg A t(c, a) \wedge \operatorname{In}(c, p)) 

Unloading cargo from plane to airport

Action (Unload(c,p,a),PRECOND: In(c,p)At(p,a)Cargo(c)Plane(p)Airport(a)EFFECT: At(c,a)¬In(c,p)) \text {Action }(\textcolor{pink}{Unload}(c, p, a), \\ \qquad \text {PRECOND: } \operatorname{In}(c, p) \wedge \operatorname{At}(p, a) \wedge \operatorname{Cargo}(c) \wedge \operatorname{Plane}(p) \wedge \operatorname{Airport}(a) \\ \qquad \text {EFFECT: } A t(c, a) \wedge \neg \operatorname{In}(c, p)) 

Flying plane

Action(Fly(p, from, to)),PRECOND: At(p,from)Plane(p)Airport(from)Airport(to)EFFECT: ¬At(p,from)At(p,to)) \operatorname{Action}(\textcolor{pink}{Fly}(p, \text { from, to})), \\ \qquad \text {PRECOND: } A t(p, \text {from}) \wedge \text {Plane}(p) \wedge \text {Airport}(\text {from}) \wedge \operatorname{Airport}(t o) \\ \qquad \text {EFFECT: } \neg A t(p, \text {from}) \wedge A t(p, \text {to}) \text {)} 

The following plan is a solution to the problem:

[Load(C1,P1,SFO), Fly (P1,SFO,JFK), Unload (C1,P1,JFK)Load(C2,P2,JFK),FFly(P2,JFK,SFO), Unload (C2,P2,SFO)] \begin{array}{r}{\left[\operatorname{Load}\left(C_{1}, P_{1}, S F O\right), \text { Fly }\left(P_{1}, S F O, J F K\right), \text { Unload }\left(C_{1}, P_{1}, J F K\right)\right.} \\\left.\operatorname{Load}\left(C_{2}, P_{2}, J F K\right), F \operatorname{Fly}\left(P_{2}, J F K, S F O\right), \text { Unload }\left(C_{2}, P_{2}, S F O\right)\right]\end{array} 

Example: Spare Tire Problem

There are just four actions: removing the spare from the trunk, removing the flat tire from the axle, putting the spare on the axle, and leaving the car unattended overnight. We assume that that the effect of leaving the tire overnight is that the tires disappear.

Initial value and goal state

Init(Tire(Flat)Tire(Spare)At(Flat, Axle)At(Spare, Trunk)) \text {Init(Tire(Flat)} \wedge \text {Tire}(\text {Spare}) \wedge \operatorname{At}(\text {Flat, Axle}) \wedge \text {At}(\text {Spare, Trunk})) 

Goal(At ( Spare, Axle ))\operatorname{Goal}(\text {At }(\text { Spare, Axle }))


Removing Tire

Action(Remove(obj,loc),PRECOND: At(obj,loc)EFFECT: ¬At(obj, loc)At(obj, Ground) \text {Action}(\text {Remove}(\text {obj,} \text {loc}), \\ \qquad \text {PRECOND: } \text{At}(\text {obj}, \text {loc}) \\\qquad \text {EFFECT: } \neg \operatorname{At}(\text {obj, } \text {loc}) \wedge \text {At}(\text {obj, Ground}) \text {) } 

Putting Tire on

Action (PutOn(t, Axle),PRECOND: Tire(t)At(t,Ground)¬At(Flat,Axle)EFFECT: ¬At(t, Ground )At(t,Axle)) \text {Action }(\operatorname{PutOn}(t, \text { Axle}), \\\qquad \text {PRECOND: Tire}(t) \wedge A t(t, \text {Ground}) \wedge \neg \operatorname{At}(\text {Flat}, \text {Axle}) \\\qquad \text {EFFECT: } \neg A t(t, \text { Ground }) \wedge A t(t, \text{Axle})) 

Leaving tire overnight

 Action (LeaveOvernight),PRECOND: EFFECT: ¬At(Spare, Ground)¬At(Spare, Axle)¬At(Spare, Trunk)¬At(Flat, Ground)¬At(Flat, Axle)¬At(Flat, Trunk)) \text { Action }(\text {LeaveOvernight)}, \\\qquad \text {PRECOND: } \\\qquad \text {EFFECT: } \neg \operatorname{At}(\text {Spare, Ground}) \wedge \neg A t(\text {Spare, Axle}) \wedge \neg A t(\text {Spare, Trunk}) \wedge \neg A t(\text {Flat, Ground}) \wedge \neg A t(\text {Flat, Axle}) \wedge \neg \text {At(Flat, Trunk)}) 

The following plan is a solution to the problem:

[Remove(Flat, Axle),Remove(Spare, Trunk),PutOn(Spare, Axle)] [\text {Remove}(\text {Flat, Axle}), \text {Remove}(\text {Spare, Trunk}),\text {PutOn(Spare, Axle)}] 

Example: Blocks World

This domain consists of a set of cube-shaped blocks sitting on a table.

The arm can pick up only one block at a time, so it cannot pick up a block that has another one on it.

Initial value and goal state

Init(On(A,Table)On(B,Table)On(C,A)Block(A)Block(B)Block(C)Clear(B)Clear(C)) \operatorname{Init}(\text {On}(A, \text {Table}) \wedge \operatorname{On}(B, \text {Table}) \wedge \operatorname{On}(C, A) \wedge Block(A) \wedge Block(B) \wedge Block(C) \wedge Clear(B) \wedge Clear(C)) 

Goal(On(A,B),On(B,C))\text{Goal}(\text{On}(A,B), \text{On}(B,C))


Action(Move(b,x,y),PRECOND: On(b,x)Clear(b)Clear(y)Block(b)Block(y)(bx)(by)(xy)EFFECT: On(b,y)Clear(x)¬On(b,x)¬Clear(y)) \operatorname{Action}(\operatorname{Move}(b, x, y), \\\qquad \text {PRECOND: } \text{On}(b, x) \wedge \text {Clear}(b) \wedge \operatorname{Clear}(y) \wedge \text {Block}(b) \wedge \operatorname{Block}(y) \\\qquad \wedge (b \neq x) \wedge(b \neq y) \wedge(x \neq y) \\\qquad \text {EFFECT: } \operatorname{On}(b, y) \wedge \operatorname{Clear}(x) \wedge \neg \text{On}(b, x) \wedge \neg \operatorname{Clear}(y)) 

Action(MoveToTable(b,x),PRECOND:On(b,x)Clear(b)Block(b)(bx)EFFECT: On(b,Table)Clear(x)¬On(b,x)) \text {Action}(\text {MoveToTable}(b, x), \\\qquad \text {PRECOND:} \operatorname{On}(b, x) \wedge \text{Clear}(b) \wedge \operatorname{Block}(b) \wedge(b \neq x) \\\qquad \text {EFFECT:} \text{ On}(b, \text {Table}) \wedge \operatorname{Clear}(x) \wedge \neg \text{On}(b, x)) 

The following plan is a solution to the problem:

[MoveToTable(C,A),Move(B,Table,C),Move(A,Table,B)] [\text {MoveToTable}(C, A), \text {Move}(B, \text {Table,} C), \text {Move}(A, \text {Table}, B)]