semaphores, shared memory


open() / close()

opens and closes a file through its descriptor.

flags: O_RDONLY , O_WRONLY , O_RDWR , 0_CREAT (create if it doesn’t exist), 0_EXCL (fail if it exists)

“truncate” in the man-pages means the content of the file gets deleted.

read and write n bytes with read()/write() can be interrupted with EINTR .

fopen() / fclose()

open and close a file stream (operates through a buffer).

empty the buffer and write content with fflush() or fclose() .

remove the buffer altogether with setvbuf()

get file descriptor of a stream with fileno() .

read and write into buffer with: fread(),fgets(),fgetc(),fputs(),fputc(),fprintf(),getline() can be interrupted with EINTR .



server: create
sem_t *sem = sem_open("/name", O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, <initial value>);client: open
sem_t *sem = sem_open("/name", 0);

sem_wait() / sem_post()

blocks process if value is not positive.

processes are not queued up and the order of unblocking is not defined.

can be interrupted with EINTR .


removes semaphore

Shared memory

/dev/shm/myshm = shared memory / temporary files that get mapped into virtual memory of multiple processes.

/proc/PID/maps = mappings.

shm_open() creates / opens shared memory

ftruncate() sets size

mmap() maps the data structures to the process address space

close(shmfd) uses file descriptor to close

shm_unlink() frees memory

Circular buffer

concurrent data structure using an array where the modulo operator is used.

int wr_pos = 0;void write(int val) {
buf[wr_pos] = val;
sem_post(used_sem);wr_pos += 1;
wr_pos %= sizeof(buf);
}int rd_pos = 0;void read() {
int val = buf[rd_pos];
sem_post(free_sem);rd_pos += 1;
rd_pos %= sizeof(buf);