


"Strategien, Vorkehrungen und Tools zur gewährleistung von Security-Objectives bei Daten und Services einer Organisation."

Design Principles

Open design Avoid security by obscurity, system should be secure even if open source

Least privilege (= authority to access a resource) for every component and user

Simplicity (= Economy of Mechanisms) easier to analyze

Usability (= acceptability) secure mechanisms must be easy to use

Complete Mediation impossible to bypass access enforcement mechanisms


In geschlossenen Systemen: (theoretisch fehlerfreies) Betriebssystem kann Sender und Empfänger von interprocess communication IPC kontrollieren.

In offenen Systemen notwendig.

Goal vs. Threat

Security Objectives (CIA-Triad)

Confidentiality Secrecy, read-access only to authorized users

Integrity Data only modified when authorized / System behaves as expected

Availability of data and services


Vulnerability of that can be exploited. If carried out it is an attack.

passive intercepting without affecting system

active modifying data, interrupting service

insider from someone inside the security perimeter

outsider from outsider, unauthorized user

Interception unauthorized read-access

Modification modification or generation of data, Theft of Service (unauthorized usage)

Interruption of a Service through destruction, overloading, ...

Goal Vulnerability Threat

Confidentiality Leaky Exposure / Interception (passive)

Integrity Corrupted Modification / Fabrication (active)

Availability Unavailable Denial of Service / Interruption (active)


Attacker / Intruder / Adversary

Erhöhung der Privilegien für Systemzugang

Ausnützung einer Sicherheitslücke, Passwörter finden

Common Attacks

Threat, carried out by an intruder = attack.

zB Stack/Buffer Overflow Attack

Buffer überschreiben, return adresse zu Stack-Anfang überschreiben wo NoOps und anschließend der Exploit-Code steht.

Intrusion Detection

Threshold detection zB Anzahl der Loginversuche

Anomaly Detection Heuristiken um Anomalien zu finden (nicht verlässlich)

Zugriffsmustern vergleichen mit "typischen" Zugriffsmustern von Accounts/Benutzern

Audit records Logging von Operationen, Involvierte, Aktion, Resource Usage, Zeit, ...


Virus repliziert sich selbst, zB Key Logger oder DOS durch Ressourcenblockierung

Worm repliziert und verschickt sich selbst in einem Netz zB via mail, remote login

Trojan Horse versteckter Code in vermeintlich gutem Programm

Logic Bomb Aktiviert sich selbst bei bestimmter Bedingung, zb Zeitablauf

Trapdoor Geheimer weg Zugriffskontrolle zu bypassen

Port Scan automatisierter Port scan, scripts für common vulnerabilities ausführen

Denial of Service Überlastung eines Rechners

DDoS Distributed Denial of Service, gleichzeitig mit mehreren Rechnern


Password Authentication


Speicherplatz beschränkt, aber wir wollen möglichst viele Zeichenkombinationen

Es wird unverschlüsselt der hash h(salt ++ password) gespeichert.

Countermeasures against Dictionary Attacks

Access Control

Protection in OS: Zugriffkontrolle von user / user processes.

Identification the ID you claim to have

Authentication proving your ID, to get a premission, get authrorized

Authenticity successful authentication

Credentials evidence used to prove your ID

Accountability ability to trace actions back to entities in a system (requires traceability)

Protokollierung in Security Audit records.

Security Architecture

Mechanismus Implementierung in OS, sichert Policy-Einhaltung zB mit Access Matrix

(Security-)Policy von Benutzer bestimmt

Protection Domains

Role / Group / Domain Based Access Control

Role = Set of users (like Administrator, PowerUser, Users, Guest)

Each role has its own domain = set of access-rights (pairs of objects, rights)

In unix the domain / role of each process is defined through IDs (UID,GID) .

Access Control Matrix

(Domain ×\times Object) \mapsto Access rights \in{\{ read, write, execute }\}

Dynamic Protection

Allows changing access rights in matrix

Has special access rights for owner

Transfer: changing the role / domain of a process allowed

Transfer security policy stored in (Object×\timesObject)\mapstoTransfer rights\in{\{change, dont change}\}

Access Control List ACL(object centered)

list: subjects access rights of each file

  • identification required
  • delegation: asking admin to add node
  • revocation: modifying nodes (easy)

Token / Capability List(subject centered)

list: unforgable tokens of each process

  • identification not required
  • delegation: passing token (easy)
  • revocation: only with extra bookkeeping

Lock-Key System

Each object has an unforgable set of locks (bit-patterns).

Each domain has an unforgable set of keys (bit-patterns).

The key of the process' domain must match with that of the object.


Bell and LaPadula’s Model

Rules for Information-Flow

Security Classification SCSC Hierarchie für Subjects und Objects (zB top secret, secret, public)

Goal: Data Confidentiality (not leaking classified information to unclassified files)

Actions: Operationen von Subjects auf Objects:

read-only no modifications

append writing without reading

execute without reading or writing


Security Axioms

  1. Simple security property

    ReadSC(S)SC(O)SC(S) \geq SC(O)"no read up"

  1. The *property (star property)

    AppendSC(S)SC(O)SC(S) \leq SC(O)"no write down"

    Read und WriteSC(S)=SC(O)SC(S) = SC(O)


SC(O1)SC(S)SC(O2)SC(O_1) \leq SC(S) \leq SC(O_2)

Bedeutet Subject SS kann Object O1O_1 lesen und O2O_2 schreiben