


data dependent, adaptive, load balancing - problem


Array A\small A of size n\small n , Array B\small B of size m\small m

both are sorted -A[i]A[i+1]\small A[i] \leq A[i+1]for all0i(n1)\small 0\leq i \leq (n-1)


Array C\small C of size n+m\small n+m containing every single element from A,B\small A, B

sorted -C[i]C[i+1]\small C[i] \leq C[i+1]for all0i(n+m1)\small 0\leq i \leq (n+m-1)


on “shared memory system” we can achieve parallel time:

Tpar(p,n+m)O((n+m)/p+logn) \color{pink} \small \text{Tpar}(p, n+m) \in O((n+m)/p+\log n) 

(Convenient to assume “shared-memory programming model” → in “distributed memory programming model” we would need communication and data redistribution)


Sometimes useful to assume that all elements are distinct.

Assumption does not reduce generalizability: We can make elements distrinct through lexicographical ordering of pairs (A[i],i)\small (A[i], i) :

If A[i]A[j]\small A[i] \leq A[j] and i<j\small i <j then: (A[i],i)<(A[j],j)\small (A[i], i) < (A[j],j)

This means, when they are equal, the index decides which one is considered larger

Disadvantage: more memory usage

Stable merge

When original index-order of equal input-elements is preserved in output array.

Stability sometimes desirable ie. Radix sort

Strictly sequential solution

this is not the best known solution

Tseq(n+m)O(n+m)\color{pink} \small \text{Tseq}(n+m) \in O(n+m)

(n+m)\small (n+m) read and write operations in total

i = 0; j = 0; k = 0;// pick smaller elem from both arrays
while (i<n && j<m) {
C[k++] = (A[i]<=B[j]) ? A[i++] : B[j++];
}// fill up the rest, if one array is already eliminated
while (i<n) C[k++] = A[i++];
while (j<m) C[k++] = B[j++];

Merging by Ranking

rank(x,A)\small \tt rank(x,A)

= number of elements in A\tt A that are smaller than x\tt x

Can be done sequentually in ordered arrays with binary search O(logn)\small O(\log n)

A[i]\small A[i]written inC[i+rank(A[i],B)]\small C[i+\texttt{rank}(A[i], B)]

B[j]\small B[j]written inC[j+rank(B[j],A)]\small C[j+\texttt{rank}(B[j], A)]

rank(A[pos], B) can be understood as the index of the first element in B that is bigger than A[pos]

Barrier pattern

Synchronization pattern

Explicit synchronization through barrier

At barrier the processor can’t continue until others have also reached that point.

Solution 1)

Solution 1)

Explicit paralelization: We tell each processor what to do

One processor per element: p=n+m\small p = n+m

Processor i,0i<n\small i, \quad 0\leq i < n assigned to A[i]\small A[i]

Processor j,nj<n+m\small j, \quad n\leq j< n+m assigned to B[jn]\small B[j-n]

par (0 <= i < n+m) {
if (i < n) {
// Array A
C[i+rank(A[i],B)] = A[i];} else if (i < n+m) {
// Array B
j = i-n;
C[j+rank(B[j],A)] = B[j];
}barrier; // synchronization construct so that any C[k] can be accessed

The algorithm is not efficient:

Tpar(n+m,n+m)O(log(max(n,m))) \color{pink} \small \text{Tpar}(n+m, n+m) \in O(\log(\max(n,m))) 

Exponential improvement in time with linear number of processors

Wpar(n+m,n+m)O((m+n)log(max(m,n)))O(2nlogn)=O(nlogn) \small \textcolor{pink} {\text{Wpar}(n+m, n+m) \in }O((m+n)\cdot \log(\max(m,n))) \leq O(2n \log n) = \textcolor{pink} {O(n\log n)} 

Not work-optimal

Sp(n)=Tseq(n)Tpar(p,n)=n+mlog(max(m,n))==O(n/(nlogn)/p)=O(p/logn) \small \textcolor{pink} {S_p(n) = }\large \frac{\text{Tseq}(n)}{\text{Tpar}(p,n)} \small = \large \frac{ n+m}{\log(\max(m,n))} \small = \dots = \textcolor{pink} {O(n / (n \log n) / p) = O(p / \log n)} 

Speedup is bad. It decreases with with n\small n .

Normally np\small n \gg p

Solution 2)

Improve performance

Solution 2)

Divide A\small A into blocks of n/p\small \approx n/p , then rank the start and end of each block.

We find the matching block in B\small B for each block in A\small A .

Number of processors does not depend on Input.

Assumesn\small nis divisible byp\small p(can be fixed if not the case).

We then merge blocks of A,B\small A,B sequentially.

merge\small \tt mergeandrank\small \tt rankare sequential algorithms.

par (0 <= i < p) {
pos = i*(n/p);
nextPos = (i+1)*n/p;// sequential merge
merge (
// & → Address of ...
&A[pos],                               // interval start in A
n/p,                                   // n (interval size in A)
&B[rank(A[pos],B)],                    // interval start in B
rank(A[nextPos],B) - rank(A[pos],B),   // m (interval size in B)
&C[pos + rank(A[pos],B)]               // interval start in C

Tpar(p,n+m)=O(n/p+m+logn)\color{pink} \small \text{Tpar}(p,n+m) = O(n/p+m+\log n)

There can be severe load imbalance where one processor does all the work, because the intervall in A\small A gets mapped to a huge chunk in B\small B .

Wpar(p,n+m)=O(plogm+p(n/p)+m)=O(plogm+(n+m))=O(n+m) \small \textcolor{pink} {\text{Wpar}(p,n+m) =} O(p \log m + p \cdot (n/p)+m) = O(p \log m + (n+m)) = \textcolor{pink} {O(n+m)} 

Work-optimal for pm+nlogm\small p \leq \large \frac{m+n}{\log m}


Solution 3a)

Fix load imbalance

Solution 3a)

Divide A\small A into blocks of n/p\small \approx n/p , then rank the start and end of each block.

Differentiate between good and bad segments inB\small B :

good segments :rank(A[nextPos],B)-rank(A[pos],B)≤ m/p

balanced pairs

Do sequential merge

bad segments :rank(A[nextPos],B)-rank(A[pos],B)> m/p

unbalanced pairs → divide intervall in B\small B into smaller blocks and find their partner-block in A\small A(means also splittingA\small Aup) .

This way wereassignprocessors to the start-indices of the blocks which is problematic.

In case there is more than one bad segment we use prefix-sums (see below).

This way there are at most p\small p smaller merge-pairs all of size O(n/p+m/p)\small O(n/p+m/p)

One old block in A\small A now can get multiple partner blocks in B\small B in case the block in B\small B has a size >m/p\small > m/p .

Solution 3b)

Avoid load imbalance

Solution 3b)

Divide A\small A into blocks of n/p\small \approx n/p

Divide B\small B into blocks of m/p\small \approx m/p

This gives p\small pindependent merge-pairs all of size O(n/p+m/p)\small O(n/p+m/p)

Experience shows that the pairs are usually independent from eachother (but we could potentially do twice the work).

One block can get mapped to an intervall outside of its partner-block

Merging by Co-ranking


j(i), k(i) are the co-ranks of segment i

A[j(i), j(i+1)-1] and B[k(i),k(i+1)-1]— merged —→C[i*(n+m)/p, (i+1)*(n+m)/p-1]

They satisfy: j(i) + k(i) = i*(n+m)/p

Co-Ranks can be understood as the indices in A , B from which the merging of segment i(with indexi*(n+m)/p) starts.

Co-Rank Lemma

Let i be a shorthand for: (i)*(n+m)/p(same applies for co-ranksj,k)

Let (i)-1 be a shorthand for: (i)*(n+m)/p-1

Let i-1 be a shorthand for: (i-1)*(n+m)/p(same applies for co-ranksj-1,k-1)

For any i in 0 ≤ i < n+m there are unique j , k such that:

  1. j + k = i
  1. Either k = 0 or A[(j)-1] ≤ B[k]
  1. Either j = 0 or B[(k)-1] < A[j]
  1. merge(A[0,…,(j)-1], B[0,…,(k)-1]) = C[0,…,i-1]

  • Proof of lemma
    1. Invariant

      j + k = i

    1. Transivity

      C[(i')-1] ≤ C[(i)-1] ≤ C[(i'')-1] for any i' , i'' with i' < i < i''

      Because of

      1. A[j-1; (j)-1] ∈ C[0; (i)-1]

        B[k-1; (k)-1] ∈ C[0; (i)-1]

        more precisely:∈ C[i-1; (i)-1]

      1. A[j], B[k] ∉ C[0; (i)-1]

      The last element C[(i)-1] must either be from A or B :

      1. If A gets chosen:

        C[(i)-1] = A[(j)-1]\small \impliesA[(j)-1] ≤ B[k] or else an element from B would have been chosen.

        B[(k)-1] < A[(j)-1] ≤ A[j]\small \impliesB[(k)-1] < A[j]

      1. If B gets chosen:

        C[(i)-1] = B[(k)-1]\small \impliesB[(k)-1] < A[j] or else an element from A would have been chosen.

        Same as above: A[(j)-1] ≤ B[k]

Co-Rank Algorithm

Very similar to binary search.

j = min(i,n);
k = i-j;
jlow = max(0,i-m);done = 0;
do {
// case 1: j is too large
if (j>0 && k<m && A[j-1]>B[k]) {
d = (1+j-jlow)/2;
klow = k;
j -= d;
k += d;
// case 2: k is too large
} else if (k>0 && j<n && B[k-1]>=A[j]) {
d = (1+k-klow)/2;
jlow = j;
k -= d;
j += d;
} else {
done = 1;
} while (!done)
  1. First assume C is made out of only elements from A first:

    j = min(i, n)

    k = i-j

  1. If A[(j)-1] > B[k]

    then j was too large → we should have chosen element fromB

    now halve j and increase kwe needjlowfor this


    klow = old value of k

  1. If B[(k)-1] ≥ A[j]

    then k was too large → we should have chosen element fromA

    now halve k and increase jwe needklowfor this

    k = (k-klow)/2

    jlow = old value of j

Iterate O(log(n+m))\small O(\log(n+m)) times until lemma is satisfied

Solution 4)

Perfectly load balanced: Turning upside-down and merging by co-ranking

Solution 4)

Each processor handles a segment ofC\small C of the same size.

Perfectly load-balanced, stable.

Divide C\small C of size (n+m)\small (n+m) into p\small p blocks of size (n+m)/p\small (n+m)/p .

This means i ∈ [0; p-1]

The start index of block is i*(n+m)/p

For each block i\small i :

  1. Determine its co-ranks j(i), k(i) and store into coj[i], cok[i] .
  1. Merge the blocks A[j(i); j(i+1)-1] and B[k(i); k(i+1)-1] into

    C[i*(n+m)/p; (i+1)*(n+m)/p-1]

par (0 <= i < p) {
// 1) get coranks
// coj[]: array of j-coranks
// cok[]: array of k-coranks
corank(i*(n+m)/p, A, n, &coj[i], B, m, &cok[i]);
barrier; // processor i will need coranks of i+1
// 2) merge (sequentially)
&A[coj[i]],           // interval start in A
coj[i+1] - coj[i],    // n (interval size in A)
&B[cok[i]],           // interval start in B
cok[i+1] - cok[i],    // m (interval size in B)
&C[i*(n+m)/p]         // interval start in C

Wpar(p,n+m)pO(n+mp+log(n+m))=O(n+m+plog(n+m)) \small \textcolor{pink}{\text{Wpar}(p,n+m) \approx }p \cdot O(\frac{n+m}{p} + \log (n+m)) = \textcolor{pink}{O(n+m+p \cdot \log(n+m) )} 

which is O(n+m)\small O(n+m) when (plog(n+m))O(n+m)\small (p \cdot \log (n+m)) \in O(n+m) .

Work optimal

We can also get rid of the first synchronization barrier

It is necessary because process i\small i requires co-ranks of process i+1\small i+1 .

  • implementation

    Cost: Redundant computation of coranks, more memory

    par (0 <= i < p) {
    // 1) get coranks -> not arrays but variables j1, j2, k1, k2
    corank(i*(n+m)/p, A, n, &j1, B, m, &k1);
    corank((i+1)*(n+m)/p, A, n, &j2, B, m, &k2); // compute again
    // 2) merge (sequentially)
    &A[j1],          // interval start in A
    j2 - j1,         // n (interval size in A)
    &B[k1],          // interval start in B
    k2 - k1,         // m (interval size in B)
    &C[i*(n+m)/p]    // interval start in C
    );barrier; // not needed anymore